Bengt Åkerblom vinner Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award 2020

21 maj 2020

Vi är glada att meddela att grundaren av vårt företag, Bengt Åkerblom, var den stolta mottagaren av Arne Asplund Mechanical Pulping Award 2020.

Taget från Valmets hemsida:
The way in which Bengt Åkerblom has developed the True Disc Clearance (TDC) and Adjustable Gap Sensor (AGS) for chip and pulp refiners has enabled tremendous improvements to be made in both the availability and control of refiners, thereby increasing pulp quality and reducing specific energy consumption. These sensors are installed in the vast majority of high-consistency mechanical pulp refiners around the world. Lately, his work has enabled the development and usage of refining processes based on feeding refiner segments. Such systems, in which the very accurate control of extremely small refiner gaps is fundamental, allow significant specific energy reductions to be made.

Läs mer om prestationen på Valmets hemsida.

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